Business Opportunities for the Medtech and Foodtech sector



The ITAMA project has successfully created a solution combining web based applications, Artificial lntelligence and testing kits in arder to screen populations for coeliac disease. We have tested this out in both Sicily and Malta on a cohort of over 18000 users and the results are very promising.
The consortium is now reaching out to the wider business community in arder to take such results to market. We are looking for other companies in different regions of Europe that want to replicate our project, learn from our experience and run this as an opportunity. These can either be software companies, testing kit companies or even gluten free product manufacturers that want to sponsor such a screening. During this webinar we will discuss how this could become possible.
We also believe that our solution can be adapted not only to other countries, but also to diseases where large screening of populations with simple PoCT (Point of Care Tests) are possible.
The consortium is therefore also looking for future collaboration projects using either public or private investment, and in this webinar, we will have experts that will be explaining the upcoming opportunities in these areas.
Furthermore, a networking moment in this online event will allow us to learn more about the participants and brainstorm together about possible ways forward.

Angele Giuliano
Giuseppe Raso

Angele Giuliano
Managing Director, Acrosslimits Ltd, Malta

Giuseppe Raso
Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica "E. Segre", Università degli Studi di Palermo
ITAMA Project Coordinator

Salvatore Sorce
Dipartimento di Fisica e Chimica "E. Segrè" Università degli Studi di Palermo
ITAMA Technical Consultant

Antti Heikkila
CEO, Acceler8

Giada Li Calzi
ITAMA Knowledge Transfer Expert

  Friday,  October 8th, 2021

lntroduction to the Webinar
A. Giuliano


What is the ITAMA project
G. Raso


Business Assets developed in the Project


What opportunities we see in the market
A. Heikkila


What opportunities we see in the public sector
G. Li Calzi


Potential business models to explore together
A. Giuliano


Business lntroductions

11:00  lnteractive Brainstorming

Conclusions and next steps
A. Giuliano



To participate in the web conference, you may register free of charge using the form available
online at After completing the registration, participants will receive a
confirmation email from the Organiser.



via S. Puglisi, 15
90143 Palermo
tel. 091 6250453